Hereafter, we would like to provide you with some interesting places to visit in the area of Algueña. As well as some recommendations for food and accommodation.


About Algueña

Interesting places:

Food market / Town Hall / Auditorium / MUCA / Saint Joseph Church / La Solana’s Chapel / Saint Anthony Chapel / Saint John Chapel / Cave Houses / Casa Vitia



Down below we are pleased to recommend some local restaurants where you can also enjoy our wines:

Hostal & Restaurante Jardín de las Eras / Bar Nou Chorro / Cafeteria Centro Cívico / Bar Carrer Major / Bar La Amistad, Cañada de la Leña / Restaurante Hermanos Belando, Algayat



Hostal & Restaurante Jardín de las Eras


Some interesting links

Mandarina Blue Tours – Visit to the vineyards and guided wine tasting at Bodega Cooperativa de Algueña
Alicante Wine Route
Alicante Designation of Origin